Kay Brown Art

Printmaker/Community Activist

I have been interested in printmaking for over 20 years. I specialize in techniques including linocut, woodcut, silkscreen, lithography and monoprint.

Professionally, besides graphic design, I serve as a dispute resolution mediator, legal researcher, fund raiser, grant writer, developed a line of home and fashion accessories, and Take-It-Or-Leave-It Luggage with my partner Benjamin Perez Gurule which we manufactured in East LA for over 5 years. I also served as one of the founding staff of the Hispanic Urban Center, a teacher re-training institution and the LAUSD Mexican American Education Commission.

Much of my Art Practice has been nurtured in community art centers such as THE INK PEOPLE (Eureka, CA), SELFHELP GRAPHICS & ART (East LA), and SPARC (Venice, CA) and I expect to offer the same opportunity to all community members - especially those thinking they could never do printmaking.

It is a joy to see people discover the artist within themselves.



Selected prints from the archive. Printmaking techniques include linocut, woodcut, silkscreen, lithography and monoprints. Some are available in limited series as well as “one-of-a-kind” prints. The prints range from greeting cards and posters to museum quality fine art.

Linocut Prints

Woodcut Prints

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